
I was born on Saturday, and even if I don't believe in these coincidences, this fact says more about me than it should be necessary. You need to be a bit lazy to be a good drummer.

More or less like when I was in fifth grade: I gave my final exam with a broad-spectrum lecture, ranging from famous painters Tiepolo, father and son, to gnomes: my very first multi-disciplinary speech. In fact I already had my study career planned up until I was 30, and that should have seemed to me like a bold way to get the balls rolling.

When I had to take my eighth grade license exam, after three years digging into the LOGO programming language and the hypertext—that futuristic mythic beast that was soon declared extinguished, my first approach to enterprise buzzwords—I decided to pick up the drum set, and try to explain why, without the two World Wars, we now wouldn't have airlines, apparently safer cars, trips to the Moon, Alto Adige, some millions of Jews less, and a cute little army of "independent researchers" that strongly deny the scientific method and Occam's razor.

However, still wanting to wear a lab coat—or at least pens in my shirt's pocket—before I was 30, I boldly enrolled in ITIS, that never-place in which you enter full of hope and you exit without future perspective—not to speak of a ham radio license, which is why I decided to take it on my own. The ITIS is a life experience rather than a school: you learn to fight insignificant battles with a high symbolic value, you learn the value of the Press, you learn not to touch where it says "high voltage", and you learn that if in your school there are ten girls out of a thousand students, you're screwed for life. Pretty much like when you eventually decide to build a three-octave analog synthesizer for the final exam, just to discover that it doesn't work a few hours before the presentation. That was an excellent way of sky-rocketing my creative improvisation skills.

Despite the electro-acoustic failure, and lured by the Sound and Music Computing course, I felt that graduating in Computer Science was an excellent idea—peace of the Fine Arts schools that were starting to tickle my fancy. Normally, one says the University years are the best ones. I remember thinking the same about primary school when I was in middle school, the same about middle school when I was in high school, and the same about high school when I was at the University, confirming my strong relativist attitude. I don't remember what I thought in primary school, though, but at that time I believed in invisible men and artificial insemination…

This photo is © 2009 by Andrea Franceschini, all rights reserved.Pursuing the silly idea of developing an Operating System, I ended up so hooked with the matter that I decided to work in that field for my Bachelor's degree thesis, decision I soon regretted. In fact, during the Master I chose another path: algorithms, graphics, and of course music. The first day of the Sound and Music Computing course resulted in my decision to develop my Master's degree thesis work abroad, within the Erasmus programme. As it turned out, the prof had a connection with the Music Technology Group of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, where I was hoping to work on the Reactable, a project I fell in love with in 2007. So from October 2008 to April 2009 I went to Barcelona to work on my thesis that I eventually defended in June 2010 to get my Master's degree. From the thesis I wrote a paper that I presented at the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2010.

And this, for now, is it.