Kill Surf City

Kill Surf City is a free-press and online magazine made in Palermo and it was established in November 2010 to talk about music, art, fashion, events and all the other things that Kill Surf City likes.

Theme for Wordpress 3.0 made from an existing graphic project.



The theme is made with HTML 5 and CSS 3, and it takes every possible precaution to allow even the "less able" uses to benefit of the website in its entirety.


One of the major elements of this project is the separation of competencies between aesthetics and function that, in order to ensure the best browsing experience, should not interfere with each other.

The implementation of fading tooltips in the comment form is a clear example of this concept. The essential design is maintained until the fields "email" and "comment" get the focus: then the corresponding tooltip gracefully fades in, and it disappears in the same way in the moment its field loses the focus.

Another important trick was to entirely redesign the structure of the comment form in order to allow keyboard navigation. This is achieved by properly setting the "tabindex" attribute so the fields can be browser in their natural order. In fact, the original Wordpress' form, in some cases, tends to fill up with links, and they interfere with keyboard navigation, especially in this case where the links are hidden, thus completely leaving the user with no references.